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Checking Out Materials
Learn more about how long you can check out items, how to renew or put items on hold and what happens if materials are overdue.

Check Out Limits and Periods
You may check out 150 items at one time with the following limits:
- 50 CDs
- 50 movies
- Five video games
- Five children’s kits
Materials are due on their due date before the library closes. You may return materials to any InfoSoup library. When you check out, you will receive a receipt that lists when each item is due. You may also check your account online, on our app, or call 920-832-6179.
Loan periods for materials:
- Short loan videos and short loan video games: seven days
- Videos, video games, magazines, CDs, children’s kits, short loan books, and short loan audiobooks: 14 Days
- Books and audiobooks: 28 Days
- Audiovisual equipment and interlibrary loan items: Varies
Renewing Items
You may renew all materials, except Lucky Day items, three times unless there is a waiting list. Renewing an item will extend its checkout period from the date of renewal, not from the original due date. You can renew through your online account, our app, or by calling 920-832-6179.
Interlibrary loan materials from outside the OWLSnet system can only be renewed with permission from the owning library. To request a renewal, call us at 920-832-6179 at least three days before the item is due. It may take several days to receive an answer from the owning library. Items that are overdue cannot be renewed and must be returned.
Putting Items on Hold
You may place up to 50 items on hold. Items will remain on our hold shelf in the library for 10 days, after which they’re returned to the owning library.
To check out items you’ll need the library card you used to place the hold. You can also enter all the library cards in your household into our app on your mobile device.
For privacy, we organize holds in alphabetical order by a code. Your code is the first 2 letters of your first name, the first 2 letters of your last name, and the last 4 numbers of your library card number.
Example: Mary Smith with library card number 21399441234567 is MASM4567.
If our catalog says an item is available at APL and you want to pick it up the same day call us for a set-aside. We’ll go to the shelf to check for the item and place it on the hold shelf.
Don’t worry if something comes up and you can’t make it in, it will stay on the hold shelf for 10 days. You may request up to five items at one time.
Children’s items – call 920-832-6187
Everything else – call 920-832-6177
Overdue Items and Bills
We’re a fine-free library. We don’t add fines to accounts for returning items a little late.
We bill for replacement of items not returned 28+ days past their due date on the following schedule:
- One day before due date: Courtesy notice emailed.
- Four days overdue: Overdue notice emailed or mailed.
- Seven days overdue: Overdue notice emailed.
- 28 days overdue: Unreturned item is billed so we can replace the missing item. The bill is mailed to you.
- 45 days overdue: Unreturned items or unpaid bills totaling over $50 are referred to collection agency. This is not reported to credit agencies and does not affect your credit score. A non-refundable $10 collection agency fee is charged.
- 46 days overdue: Collection agency sends letter.
- 67 days overdue: Collection agency begins calling.
If you return billed items before they’re submitted to the collection agency, the bills will be removed from your account.
If you return billed items after they’ve been submitted to the collection agency, the bills for those items will be removed from your account. A $10 non-refundable collection agency fee must be paid to clear your account.
We also bill for items returned damaged. They follow the above schedule from 28 days overdue.
Overdue bills can be paid with cash or check at any service desk or by credit card online. If you have questions about your account, please call us at 920-832-6179.