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All Online Resources
Search thousands of academic journals and videos for scholarly research. [Homework Help]
Offers thousands of academic journals and magazines for high school students enrolled in various Advanced Placement (AP) courses. [Homework Help]
Search in-depth coverage of complementary, holistic, and integrated approaches to health care and wellness. [Health & Science]
Ancestry Library Edition – In Library Use Only
Search billions of genealogy documents from the United States and United Kingdom – including census, military, immigration, birth and death records. View User Guide (Link to Katie’s User Guide PDF) or Video Tutorial [Genealogy & Local History]
Search digitized Appleton history resources – including photographs, key events, directories and more. [Genealogy & Local History] [Newspapers & Magazines]
View journals from the American Physical Society. [Health & Science]
Archive of Wisconsin Newspapers
Search hundreds Full-text daily and weekly Wisconsin newspapers from 2005 to 60 days ago, plus newspapers from the 1800s and 1900s. Does not include Gannett published newspapers. [Genealogy & Local History] [Newspapers & Magazines]
Search millions of businesses and residential listings for sales leads, mailing lists, market research and more. [Business, Finance & Legal]
Britannica Library Spanish Information Available
Search encyclopedia articles, interactive atlases, games and more for children, teens, families and educators.[Homework Help]
Britannica School Spanish Information Available
Search encyclopedia articles with images, maps, games and other learning materials for children, teens, families and educators. [Homework Help]
Find full-text journals, reports, and news related to marketing, management, accounting, finance and economics. [Business, Finance & Legal]
Repair, maintenance, and service information on most cars, trucks, vans, and SUVs with step-by-step help and video library. [Online Learning Courses]
View select newspaper pages from 1777-1963 and find information about American newspapers published between 1690-present. View Help Center or Video Guide [Genealogy & Local History] [Newspapers & Magazines]
Computers & Applied Science Complete
Search full-text journals covering computing, technology, and engineering. [Health & Science]
Consumer Health Complete Spanish Information Available
Search health content, from mainstream to holistic medicine including topics such as aging, cancer, fitness and more. [Health & Science]
Find reviews and comparisons of consumer products and services. [Newspapers & Magazines]
Search reliable guides for collection development and maintenance, curriculum support, readers’ advisory and more for educators. [Education]
Take free online practice tests based on Wisconsin Department of Motor Vehicles standards, including motorcycle exams and a sample commercial driver license (CDL) test. [Online Learning Courses]
Lesson plans, curriculum standards, and other professional development resources for educators. [Education]
Designed for education students, professionals, and policymakers, coverage spans all levels of education research and specialties such as multilingual education, health education, and testing. [Education]
Educational Administration Abstracts
Search educational leadership, educational management and educational citations and abstracts. [Education]
Educational Communications Board
Connect with resources such as Wisconsin Public Radio, PBS Wisconsin and PBS Wisconsin Education. [Education]
Find journal articles, resources and research in the education field. [Education]
European Views of the Americas
A comprehensive guide to printed material about the Americas written in Europe before 1750. [Genealogy & Local History]
Explora for Elementary Schools
Browse non-fiction book collections, newspaper and magazine articles and resources to support social studies and science classes. [Homework Help]
Search for full-text articles, news and current events using grade levels or Lexile ranges for grades K-8. [Homework Help]
Explora for Middle and High Schools
Search for full-text articles, news and current events. Designed for middle and high school users. [Homework Help]
Find billions of genealogical records, plus family trees and other genealogy resources.
View User Guide (Link to Katie’s User Guide PDF) or Video Tutorial [Genealogy & Local History]
View videos on a variety of genealogy topics from our monthly Find Your Ancestors genealogy series. [Genealogy & Local History]
Stream or download local music from a variety of musical genres. [Books, Movies & Music]
Access to military records, including the stories, photos and personal documents of those who served. The site also provides many non-military collections, including census, city directories, naturalization records and more. View Video Tutorial or Help Center [Genealogy & Local History]
View digital library of local history including text, images and links to other local history resources. [Genealogy & Local History]
Funk and Wagnall’s New World Encyclopedia
Find images, maps, and full-text articles on a wide variety of subject areas. [Homework Help]
Free, instructor-led online course in technology, business, health and wellness, and the arts. [Online Learning Courses]
Genealogy for Seniors Video Series
View videos from our monthly Genealogy for Seniors series geared toward beginner genealogy researchers. [Genealogy & Local History]
Find articles covering all aspects of human impact on the environment. [Health & Science]
Health Source: Consumer Edition
Find consumer health information with topics such as medical, nutritional, childcare, sports, and general health. [Health & Science]
Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition
View scholarly full text journals focusing on a variety of medical disciplines. [Health & Science]
Collection of genealogical and historical resources including censuses, city directories, digitized books, and more for the U.S. and several worldwide locations. [Genealogy & Local History]
Historic Photos Index
Partial index to photos from books in the Wisconsin Collection, generally scenes from Appleton history. The photos may be viewed in the library or requested as photocopies. Photos are not available online. [Genealogy & Local History]
Find full-text historical reference books, magazines, journals, biographies and more. [Homework Help]
Magazines, recipes and videos with “how-to” instructions and creative do-it-yourself ideas. [Online Learning Courses]
Magazines and reference books on home improvement and repair project topics. [Newspapers & Magazines] [Online Learning Courses]
Borrow audiobooks, ebooks, comics, movies, TV shows, magazines and music. Download or stream a limited number of items each calendar month with no waiting lists. Download the Hoopla app to use on your mobile device. View Help Center [Books, Movies & Music] [Newspapers & Magazines]
Humanities International Complete
Find information on literature, philosophy, the arts, and history. [Arts & Literature]
Stream movies, documentaries and foreign films on your computer, mobile device or TV. Download the Kanopy app to use on your television or mobile device. View User Guide or Help Center [Books, Movies & Music]
Library of Congress: Appleton Resources
Find local digitized Sanborn maps, photos, interviews and more. [Genealogy & Local History]
Library and Information Science Source
Research database for library and information science students, professionals, and policymakers. [Education]
Browse, search and view photos of people and events from LIFE Magazine archive 1936-1972. [Newspapers & Magazines]
Literary Reference Center Plus
Search thousands of poems, short stories, novels and more. [Arts & Literature]
Choose from over 70 languages to learn through listening and reading activities.
View Help Center [Online Learning Courses]
Resource for mutual fund information containing business news, personal finance information, investment tools and data. [Business, Finance & Legal]
A collection of popular magazines, books, and multimedia covering a wide range of subject areas. [Homework Help]
A collection of magazines, books and other sources including topics such as business, health, education, personal finance and more. [Homework Help]
Find information on medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, pre-clinical sciences, and more. [Health & Science]
Merriam-Webster Unabridged Dictionary
The largest and most comprehensive American dictionary. [Homework Help]
Find thousands of articles, biographies, photos, maps and flags. [Homework Help]
Military & Government Collection
View current news for all branches of the military and government. [Government]
An index to over 11 million New York Times articles from 1851 to the present. [Newspapers & Magazines]
Free, unlimited 72-hour access to the New York Times website. To activate, click on “Redeem,” then register for a free NYTimes.com account or log into an existing account. Once your pass expires, return to this page to renew for another 72 hours. [Newspapers & Magazines]
Search millions of full-text articles from current major newspapers such as The Washington Post and USA Today. [Newspapers & Magazines]
Newspapers.com Library Edition
Historical newspapers archive from the 1700s – 2000s containing thousands of well-known regional, state, and small local newspapers in the United States and other countries. [Genealogy & Local History] [Newspapers & Magazines]
Real-time access to world-wide news with a 30-day archive. Outlets include Associated Press, United Press International, PR Newswire, Xinhua, CNN Wire and Business Wire. [Newspapers & Magazines]
Find recommendations and reviews fiction and nonfiction based on your favorite titles, authors, and genres. [Books, Movies & Music]
Find books for children from kindergarten through grade 8. Browse lists of award-winning titles or search for books by grade level. [Books, Movies & Music]
Obituary Index
Index to obituaries and death notices from Appleton newspapers. View Video Tutorial [Genealogy & Local History] [Newspapers & Magazines]
Outagamie County Pioneers Index
Name index of Record of the pioneers of Outagamie County, Wisconsin by Elihu Spencer. Features biographical sketches and photos of many residents of settlements in Outagamie County in 1895. View Video Tutorial [Genealogy & Local History]
Overdrive/Libby Spanish Titles Available
Borrow audiobooks, eBooks, and magazines. A total of 10 items may be checked out at one time with an additional 10 items on hold. Download the Libby app to use on your mobile device. View User Guide or Help Center [Books, Movies & Music] [Newspapers & Magazines]
Passenger and Immigration Lists Index
Index covering more than five million names of persons who immigrated to North America between the late 1500s and mid 20th Century. View User Guide (Link to Katie’s User Guide PDF) [Genealogy & Local History]
Free, award-winning educational media, including video games, animations, videos, eBooks, and more. [Books, Movies & Music]
Plat Book Index
Name index to four plat books for Outagamie County: Plat Book of Outagamie County, WI (1889), Plat Book of Outagamie, WI (ca. 1927-1928), Standard Atlas of Outagamie County (1917) and Atlas of Outagamie County (1942). The index will link you to digitized maps hosted on the University of Wisconsin Digital Collections site or view the original maps in the library. View Video Tutorial [Genealogy & Local History]
Poetry & Short Story Reference Center
Search thousands of poems, short stories, biographies, essays, lesson plans and learning guides. [Arts & Literature]
Points of View Reference Source
Resources presenting multiple sides of an issue to help assess and develop persuasive arguments and essays, better understand controversial issues, and develop analytical thinking skills. [Homework Help]
The Post-Crescent Index
Search for articles from The Post-Crescent on important events to get the date and page number. You can retrieve the article from microfilm in the library or request we email you the article for free. [Genealogy & Local History] [Newspapers & Magazines]
The Post-Crescent (Internet Archive)
Search within more than 9,000 digitized issues of The Post-Crescent between 1860-1972. [Genealogy & Local History] [Newspapers & Magazines]
Full text-only articles of The Post-Crescent from 1999 to present day available through ProQuest. [Genealogy & Local History] [Newspapers & Magazines]
Search full-text for more than 70 popular magazines for elementary school research. [Homework Help]
Professional Development Collection
A specialized collection of over 500 high-quality education journals designed for professional educators. [Education]
Find millions of citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. [Health & Science]
Find photographs, maps, letters, diaries, oral histories, artifacts and other historical resources from more than 200 Wisconsin libraries and museums. [Genealogy & Local History]
Find full text coverage from 75 business journals, newspapers and newswires. [Business, Finance & Legal]
Full-text science magazines, journals, reference books, and videos. Covers subjects of biology, chemistry, earth and space science, environmental science, life science, mathematics, physics, and more. [Health & Science]
Detailed, user-friendly repair guides for small engines. [Online Learning Courses]
Research database for teachers providing indexing and abstracts for more than 220 peer-reviewed journals. Covers subjects such as assessment, best practices, continuing education, school administration and more. [Education]
Multimedia resources and activities to supplement elementary, middle, and high school reading assignments. [Arts & Literature]
Explore the covers and the beginning of articles dating back to 1923. [Newspapers & Magazines]
TumbleBooks Spanish Titles Available
A collection of animated, narrated picture and chapter books for children. [Books, Movies & Music]
Full-text only access to national and regional United States newspapers featuring The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, The Boston Globe, Newsday, Chicago Tribune and more. Coverage varies by title but includes present day coverage and archives to the 1980s. [Genealogy & Local History] [Newspapers & Magazines]
University of WI Digital Collections
View local history resources including plat maps, city directories, historic building surveys, biographies, and more. View Video Tutorial [Genealogy & Local History] [Newspapers & Magazines]
The latest information on stocks, mutual funds, options, and convertible securities. Includes investment ratings, rankings, earnings, projections and insider transactions data. [Business, Finance & Legal]
Firsthand recollections of U.S. military veterans who served from World War I through more recent conflicts and peacekeeping missions. [Genealogy & Local History]
Veterans’ Grave Registration
Grave registration information on over 500 Fox River area deceased veterans from the War of 1812 to World War I. [Genealogy & Local History]
Encyclopedias and specialized reference sources for multidisciplinary research. [Homework Help]
Westlaw Legal Research In Library Use Only
Legal research including forms, case law, and more. You must be in the library to use this resource. The daily document limit is 150. The session document limit is 20. [Business, Finance & Legal]
Discover books, music, movies, magazines and more in Wisconsin libraries. [Books, Movies & Music]
Collection of documents about the activities, functions, and policies of Wisconsin State Government from 2001 to present. [Government]
Wisconsin Historical Society Family History Records
Find Wisconsin records including birth, marriage and death indexes, state censuses, wills and probate records and more. Available only to Wisconsin residents. [Genealogy & Local History]
Thousands of free history articles, images, maps, videos, and timelines. [Homework Help]
Search the catalog of books and other materials of libraries worldwide. [Books, Movies & Music]