The following policies have been adopted by the Appleton Public Library Board of Trustees. For questions about any of these policies, please call 920-832-6170.
Board of Trustees Bylaws
Bylaws that govern the library board of trustees.
Art Policy
The development of exhibits and collections of artwork and displays.
Children’s Room Use Policy
Guidance on appropriate use of the Children’s Services area.
City of Appleton Policies
Adopted as library policies September 10, 2003.
Circulation Policy
The use of library cards, including confidentiality of information.
Collection Development Policy
The selection and acquisition of library resources.
Comfort Room Policy
Designation of a space specifically for breastfeeding mothers.
Customer Service Policy
Provision of high-quality customer service to our diverse community.
Displays Policy
The use of library display space by the public and the library.
Financial Policy
Budget, expenditures, gifts and donations, grants and reporting.
Freedom to Read and Intellectual Freedom
Statement on the freedom to read and intellectual freedom by the Wisconsin Library Association.
Gifts and Donations Policy
Guidelines for accepting gifts and donations.
Handouts, Bulletin Board Postings, Notices and Petitioning Policy
Use of the designated public bulletin board space and display racks and petitioning on library property.
Internet Access and Computer Use Policy and Guidelines
Use of public computers and library-provided internet connections.
Library Bill of Rights and Freedom to Read
The library bill of rights and statement on the freedom to read by the American Library Association.
Library Emergency Policy
Empowers the library director to make decisions to address urgent emergency needs.
Meeting Rooms and Study Rooms
The use of bookable library spaces by both the public and the library.
Naming Rights Policy
Board recognition of financial support from the community.
Naming Opportunities Policy
Recognition for naming opportunities within the Building Beyond Words Capital Campaign.
Piano Policy
The use of the piano when booking the library’s meeting room.
Programming Policy
Development of library programs and events.
Reference and Reader’s Advisory Policy
Provision of aid in helping library users find information and resources.
Safety and Security Policy
Behavior expectations, equitable access and process to appeal restrictions.
Scholarship Policy
Handling and provision of the Frank P. Young Scholarship fund.
Smoking and Tobacco Use Policy
Prohibition of use of tobacco or vaping products at the library.